Welcome toSt George's C.E. Primary School

Learning at Home


All children are expected to read with an adult at home on a regular basis.

Reception - Year 2

The children need to practise their Speed Sounds, so that they become rapid at recognising them, and reading their decodable phonics book.

Year 2 - Year 6

The children need to read on a regular basis. For some this will need to be out loud with an adult. For others, it will more about the children reading independently and having a discussion about an aspect of the book to develop comprehension skills.

Times Tables Rock Stars

In Years 2 to 6, we practise our times tables every day using TT Rock Stars. All of the children have a log in for this learning platform. It's really important for the children to practise their times tables both at school and home to improve their recall speed.

Christian Values

As a school, we focus on a Christian value every half term. So that the conversation about each value can continue at home, we send home a 'Home School Values' sheet which:

  • introduces the value

  • provides some questions for you to discuss with your children

  • shares a simple key Bible story to be shared

  • offers ideas for activities to do at and with the family linked to the value.

These sheets are put on Class Dojo and the school website at the start of each half term.

This half term, our Christian value is FORGIVENESS.


Learning Means the World

From time to time, teachers might set their children a home-learning challenge linked to the LMtW theme. Any challenges are posted on the Class Story on Class Dojo.


Contact us at St George's C of E Primary School

Executive Headteacher:
Mrs J Tyers
Concord Place,
M6 6SJ